Self Portraits
These are the winners of our first Selfie Contest. Never in history have so many people taken so many photographs of themselves as we are doing now. I think many of us think of "selfies" as self-indulgent throw-away pictures. But that is not what you sent me. What you sent in were thoughtful photographs.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this contest. There wasn't a single entry that did show an effort being made to use the humble selfie as a venue for meaningful self-expression. There is clearly lots more that can be done with selfies. I will run this contest again. Special thanks to the parents who worked with their children to help them realize their visions. As with a lot of great art -- pieces that may look spontaneous, were not. I could write about these pictures for hours! Enjoy! And, again, thank you for participating.
The winners are: Katie Sohacki, 13; Oliver Girouard, 13; Annie Melkote, 11; Lucy Humble, 11; Peyton Jacobe, 11; Darrius Canon, 11; Sophia Lee Bartolini, 11, Nathaniel Canon, 7.
Each of the prize winners receives $10, our thanks for participating, and our congratulations for a job well done.
Nice! I like the Bohemian and the 100 Me’s.