Stay Creative with Stone Soup

Our Weekly Creativity prompts challenge you to make a piece of writing (a poem, a journal entry, a story outline, a review) or art, or music, or a spoken word recording, or other piece of creative work. All the prompts we have written are brought together on this page – see below. The first prompt of the month is also a Flash Contest!

You can find more writing and art activities on our Activities pages.

Sign up to the mailing list to receive a weekly email that brings the Weekly Creativity prompt and links to our Book Club and Writing Workshop bookings right to your mailbox!

Creativity Prompts

Draw an abstract concept like love, friendship, jealousy, or wisdom ...
Write a poem from the point of view of a character. You can choose anyone from Goldilocks to Cruella de Vil! ...
Write a story and then add in line breaks to make it a poem. How did it change? ...
Stone Soup is excited to announce our new contest series! We are now accepting submissions for our short story, poetry, and artwork prizes. We will select a single winner—one story, one poem, and one piece of art—from each category and publish them in the magazine. Winners will also receive three ...