
Life in the Time of COVID-19

Graham Kosnar, 12 (Billings, MT) Life in the Time of COVID-19 Graham Kosnar, 12 I t started—the disease that just kept coming   S taying in Peruvian lockdown   O ften complaining about Zoom meetings   L osing our minds   A t home day and night   T rees and parks are bare   I t drove everyone into despair   O bjects became our closest friends   N obody outside walking, walking, walking, Walking in Montana Trekking through Yellowstone The sky is blue Trees sway. I smell wild sage and mint. I can follow Whatever trail I want Passing birch trees Traversing hills Hiking D   o     w        n Into valleys Entering a stream, The water, cold on my feet Feels good.   I am home. I am finally free.

Apples, a poem by Mason, 9

Apples A sweet fruit, round like a ball. Pieces split with a slice of a knife. Pushing and shoving, hands start to reach for the slices. Long after the apples are finished, a slice lies forgotten under the table. Entering the room is the family puppy, Sniffing, who munches the unseen slice.