‘Tom Green,’ a story by 10-year-old Zahra Batteh, is a classic redemption tale. Tom Green, a horrible, spoiled, lazy young man loses all his money and privilege, and through a series of misfortunes and (eventually) hard work over several years develops compassion and gratitude, and becomes a better person. In the end, he finds happiness not […]
Art Activity: Telling a Story with Multiple Perspectives in a Single Image
Procreate Emi Le’s artwork, “Invisible to Human,” is one of those deceptively simple pieces of art that reveals more, and poses more questions, the longer you look at it. There are so many intriguing things about it. Its title makes me stop and think as I focus on the strange, many-limbed creature on the right. […]
Daily Creativity #35: Incorporate Observations into Art or a Poem
Write 5 phrases about things you see around you (e.g. “a bird chirping in a tree”) and use them in a poem, or turn them into a piece of art.