
stream of consciousness

Writing Workshop #71: Stream of Consciousness (Revisited)

An update from our seventy-first Writing Workshop A summary of the workshop held on Saturday, October 15, plus some of the output published below This workshop covered stream of consciousness, a journey through a character’s mind in which their thoughts shift through free association, constantly transitioning from one topic to the next. These thoughts go […]

Flash Contest #34, August 2021: Use J.M.W. Turner’s painting The Banks of the Loire as a starting point for a stream of consciousness piece—our winners and their work

Our August Flash Contest was based on Creativity Prompt #164 (provided by Anya Geist, Stone Soup ’20–21 Intern), which, combining art and writing, challenged participants to write a stream of consciousness piece based off of J.M.W. Turner’s painting The Banks of the Loire. The result was, unsurprisingly, breathtaking! In their own unique ways, each piece evoked […]

Weekly Creativity #164 | Flash Contest #34: Use J.M.W. Turner’s Painting “The Banks of the Loire” as a Starting Point for a Stream of Consciousness Piece.

Use J.M.W. Turner’s painting The Banks of the Loire as a starting point for a stream of consciousness piece. You can write a stream of consciousness piece about the painting itself, about how you imagine the world in the painting to be, or you can just use the painting as a jumping-off point.  Submit via […]