
Art Activity: depicting people working, with ‘Harvesting Tea’ by Achinda Siriwardena, age 7

Introduction to this Stone Soup Art Activity For the artist, every workplace is a separate world with its own unique ...
The Adventures of Pumpkin and Seegartus catching the horse

Writing and Art Activity: illustrate your own story, with “The Adventures of Pumpkin and Seegartus” by Nicole Schmidt, 9

Introduction to this Stone Soup Writing and Art Activity "The Adventures of Pumpkin and Seegartus" is about a friendship between ...
Doll Shop Magic making a doll

Writing Activity: reward a likeable character, with “Doll Shop Magic” by Joanna Calogero, 13

Introduction to this Stone Soup Writing Activity This writing activity is based on a story by 13-year-old Joanna Calogero published ...
The Baron, the Unicorn, and the Boy riding a unicorn

Writing Activity: make a fictional creature seem real, with “The Baron, the Unicorn, and the Boy” by Ogechi Cynthia Njoku, 12

Introduction to this Stone Soup Writing Activity Ogechi's story, The Baron, the Unicorn, and the Boy, is about an ordinary ...
Doll Shop Magic making a doll

Time Is Short: a meditation on teaching art

Perhaps it's a vestige of the agricultural heritage here in the Grand Valley in western Colorado, but our school children ...
face your fears girls window

Can Boys Write About Girls, and Vice-Versa?

The standard advice for new writers — “Write what you know” — is good advice for all writers. When you ...