

Why are friends like that?

What is the point of friends? Are they supposed to make you laugh? Cry? Are they there for you? Are they kind? Hard-working? Do they give up? Do people like you just because you’re rich? Will you ever truly know why your friend is being your friend? Lydia Iliff, 10Sewickley, PA

I Am Me

Who am I? It depends if you are asking me. My peers know only a rendition of me. An aloof me. Do I even have friends? It depends if you are asking me. My peers know only a rendition of me. An aloof me, whose only friends are baubles and pens. What do I know? […]


Closed casket Never can I see her again My heart chips My favorite song I will never hear again Another piece chips They try to take the casket to the car My sister can’t take it though She runs to the casket Screaming no no no I watch She doesn’t want to let go As […]