

The Emperor and the Animals

    Ra-ra-ra. Raurau-ra… An extraordinary barking cry shattered the frosty air. A huge black eagle settled itself on an icy birch limb. Ruffling his feathers against the chill, he stretched his enormous wings one last time before settling them comfortably on his back. Respectfully, he cocked his head to meet the calm stare of […]

The Legend of the Leaves

      Long, long ago, in the days when dinosaurs roamed, and the earth was filled with lush, green grass, the first people were born. The gods shaped them from the mud of the earth, dropping them on the soft ground and giving them shelter from harsh weather. In the time before humans, the […]

The Waterfall

You would think that a princess’s life would be amazing and magical but it’s not how it seems. I sit on a bed in a tower. Every day. Always nervous. Having that one feeling where you have knots in your stomach. That something would happen. Something evil, something terrible. But every day it was the […]