With curious eyes The inquisitive bird Struts slowly towards its new discovery. What could it be, That strange creature, with fur; and nose placed so queerly? It just jumped down from my lap, And is now rounding the coop. Its tail twists all around, Like a long, coily snake. But it’s fuzzy, not smooth, And has long hairs on its face. The fowl now stretches its feathered neck, Blinking as she cautiously reaches. And quick as a wink, My young chicken’s beak Is through the wire— And pecks the cat’s left ear. Abigail D’Agosta, 12Waxahachie, Texas
Bird Circle
Two birds spiral, Then one races after another, And they dart through the air. When their chase is done, One stretches its slender neck and dives, The other pumps its strong wings and rises. In one acrobatic movement, a circle forms. Yet the miracle lasts only for a moment. They circle once more and land, Rustling their wings. The sounds of the world return. Sonia Bhaskaran, 9Glendale, California
My Dog Bella
When I arrive home from school she’s there waiting, in the window. She wags her tail joyfully. Her long slobbery tongue licks me all over. As I open the door to the backyard Bella bolts out into the yard. I grab a bouncy tennis ball and throw it as far as I can. She races across the yard fetching the tennis ball and bringing it back to me covered in slob. We go inside and I give Bella a nice warm bath. When she’s done she shakes, sending water everywhere like a sprinkler! When it’s time for bed I kiss her head and watch her drift off to sleep. I go downstairs for a glass of milk to quench my thirst. I end up finding Bella curled up into a little brown ball. Always after a long stressful day at school I can look forward to seeing Bella. Vincenzo Ruggiero, 13Mount Kisco, New York