I don’t see her until she makes the noise A noise that breaks my heart I turn slowly to see the graceful face Her pale green eyes full of hunger and want One paw snakes through the metal bars She twists her lithe body so that I am looking into her eyes She makes that piteous call and I am completely transfixed She seems to beckon me My body obeys I reach through the bars to stroke velvet fur Her rough tongue caresses my hand I instantly know She is the one When I come home There she is My lovely My darling My Stella Clara Bogard, 11Austin, Texas
Blood Red
Two black-and-white dogs Dash across the beach Legs pumping Flicking mud into the sun The sun Turning the lake Those same brilliant colors As the glowing red rocks around it Fiery fluid Creeps up on the shore Where two dogs lie In slumber Noses in the blood red sand Jeremy Trujillo, 12Montrose, Colorado
My Dog
I look at him My dog Head on tiny white paws, Breathing heavily. He looks back at me His eyes sad As if to say, “Come to me,” So I do. Then I Stroke his head quietly And he closes his eyes, His breathing deep Raspy And tired. He is small, sick, and old But right now he is with me. So I give him a kiss And let him snore. Abby Shaffer, 12Riverside, California