Stone Soup is excited to announce our new contest series! We are now accepting submissions for our short story, poetry, and artwork prizes. We will select a single winner—one story, one poem, and one piece of art—from each category and publish them in the magazine. Winners will also receive three free expedited submissions ($30 value) and a year’s print subscription to the magazine ($90 value). The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2024! Below, find details about each category. Short Story: must not exceed 4,000 words Poetry: no theme, up to 4 poems per submission Art: work in any medium that can be printed on the page (drawings, paintings, photographs, collages, or images of 3D work like sculptures), up to 4 pieces per submission Submit through this link!
Writing activity
Weekly Creativity #237: Write a How-to Article about Something You Don’t Know how to Do
Write a how-to article about something you don’t know how to do. This could be something real that you just haven’t done before (e.g. writing a dissertation) or something made-up (e.g. riding a dragon).
Weekly Creativity #169: Write a Story or Poem Using Two Senses—Smell & Hearing
Go to a safe place outdoors, sit somewhere, and close your eyes. Spend several minutes listening for all the sounds you can hear, and pay close attention to what you can smell in the air. When you open your eyes again, write some notes. Later, use those notes to write a poem or a personal narrative about your experience of the place through those two senses (smell and hearing).