Young Composers

First Flight, music and poetry by Fern Hadley, 12

First Flight Fern Hadley, 12 Why not try playing the music for yourself? You can download a PDF copy of all three pages here. The poem First Flight, based on this song, was one of the winners in our Flash Contest #20. Each stanza of the poem describes each section (every four measures) of the song.

“Adagio in A Minor” by Tejo Madhavarapu, 12

From the composer: “‘In Adagio in A Minor,’ the rhythm keeps changing under the same time signature of 9/8, with very few common features between different bars. This piece does not maintain a standard rhythm or use lots of closely related ones, so it sounds mostly free-flowing.” The featured artwork is “Keys of Wandering Souls” (iPhone 11 Pro) by Sabrina Lu, 13. It appeared in the February 2023 issue of Stone Soup. You can also listen to Tejo’s other composition, “Vivace in F Major,” here.

“Vivace in F Major” by Tejo Madhavarapu, 12

From the composer: “‘Vivace in F major’ is one of my most special compositions. For one thing, it is my shortest. The bigger reason is that it has a time signature of 28/8, and no other piece which I know has a time signature with 28 in the numerator. This makes the piece very unusual.” You can also listen to Tejo’s other composition, “Adagio in A Minor,” here.

Double Rainbow, an original song by Kathleen, 13

Kathleen · WerthDoubleRainbow.m4a Signs of rainbows today. And I wonder what the lyricists would say. For I’m wondering, What it could mean? Oh, do you and I know nothing? Been around just to love ‘em? I know I’d feel like we’ve seen?   You’d say,  Do you know about wishing on a double rainbow? I’d say, Well I know that they’re out to be seen. And you’d say,  Do you think that when wishing on a double rainbow, Do you, you’ll think of me?   I’ve been coming cross a rainy day with sunshine lately. But I wished. And I think I finally know what it means! To you, and me, the sky’s nothing. 2 colorful rays make it something. How I wish I wasn’t so blind and could see What makes them sing!   And they’ll sing, Do you know about wishing on a double rainbow? And I’ll sing,  Yes, I know that they’re meant to be seen.   They’ll say, do you think that when wishing on a double rainbow, That you’ll think of think of me?   Double rainbow They’ll say, Do you think, you’d think of me? Eh-Oh A double rainbow Oh, I know I’d think You’ll say, I know you’ll think of – Baby, you know, you make me think. I’d think of you. Baby, I’d think of— Oh and You know, when I see that double rainbow, I’d think of you.