
January/February 2006

The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight

The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight, by Gerald Morris; Houghton Mifflin Company: New York, zo04; $16 Medieval times are full of knights in shining armor rescuing damsels in distress from gruesome fates and bringing them back to glorious kingdoms. Almost unheard of are medieval tales with women as saviors. However, Gerald Morris puts […]

My Great Adventure

Loud, excited barking came from the front yard. He must be home, I thought. I opened the front door and walked outside. I took in the group at a glance. “Where are Swiftfoot and Mak?” I asked, suddenly afraid. “It’s no matter,” he said dismissively, and continued to lead the dogs to their kennels around […]

Winter Walk

A winter walk— My dog barking by My side, Leafless trees Piled with snow, Rotten cornstalks Golden brown, Cows with frosted fur Chomping dead grass, Squirrels feast on Stored acorns, Frozen water under A rusted bridge, Snow piled in drifts, As I whistle Trucks pass. Dylan Geiger, 11Everest, Kansas