Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can’t publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The Editors Scroll down to see all the names (alphabetical by section), including book reviewers and artists. ART Ella Bushaw, 10 Nyla Kurapati, 8 Ava Shorten, 11 Jiacheng Yu, 6 PLAYS Mussharat Prottoyee, 8 PERSONAL NARRATIVES Ava Anderson, 11 Stephen Eidson, 13 Teresa He, 11 Keira Huang, 11 POETRY Harper Clark, 10 William Grammatis Cooke, 13 Harper Eves, 8 Maya Mourshed, 9 Eric Muller, 10 Aishwarya Vemulakonda, 9 Leilani Wurdak, 8 STORIES Michaela Frey, 13 Violet Galati, 8 Zola Gargano, 13 Apoorv Gupta, 12 Hiyaa Kashyap, 10 Olivia Lee, 10 Aaria Nair, 13 Graham Oakey, 11 Ilsa Peterson, 12 Taylor Rooney, 8 Isaac Weng, 13
November 2021
Highlights from Stonesoup.com
From the section of our blog devoted to writing inspired by COVID-19 Mika Sarkar Omachi, 12San Francisco, CA Life Now – A digital artwork Artist’s Note: This digital art is a human-shaped fishbowl. Fishbowls are like a cage because the fish can’t go anywhere, but they also protect the fish by keeping them in water. This is like shelter-in-place because we are all separated from each other, but also we are always at home where we can be observed like fish in a fishbowl. About the Stone Soup Blog We publish original work—writing, art, book reviews, and multimedia projects—by young people on the Stone Soup Blog. When the pandemic began, we got so much incredible writing about the experience of living through the lockdowns that we created a special category for it! You can read more posts by young bloggers, and find out more about submitting a blog post, here: https:// stonesoup.com/stone-soup-blog/.
Crashing to the ground So silent but very loud It’s nature’s magic Jillian Carmel, 9Denver, CO