Basalt, CO
A global epidemic through the eyes of a 10-year-old
Ryan Marcinkowski, 10
Then I googled it. “Corona is an island kingdom and the birthplace of Rapunzel in Disney’s 2010 animated feature film, Tangled. The central hub of Corona’s kingdom was built on an island and grew over many years.”
I had a conversation with my mom's cousin who was visiting us. He said, “Coronaviruses were first discovered in the mid to late 1900’s. Knowing how witty the writers can be I am sure they had knowledge of these viruses and slipped that in there as a joke back then.” Little did they know how much interest they would create later.
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Since social distancing, I've adjusted to the changes. I have a schedule Monday - Friday which helps. This is what my day looks like. I wake up around 8:00 A.M then brush my teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, do homework, exercise, have lunch, do homework, go outside to bike, family time, dinner, get ready for bed. I feel okay about the changes in our community but the people in our town and our community have to come together, listen and stay home. People are more cautious but I still notice that people go and hangout with their friends when they should be social distancing. Instead they are not listening and putting everyone at risk. It's frustrating to see.
Local businesses are being affected due to COVID-19. Stores have had to close during this time or offer limited services. Everyone has to wear face masks to enter a restaurant or store. Restaurants have been able to offer food “To Go”, retail shops have been limiting customers to ten people at a time allowed or offering curbside pick up. As a family we have been shopping locally and supporting a local business two times a week. Just think if everyone could do that to support local businesses. It would help out our community.
My Journal Log
Friday, March 13, 2020
Today school tells us 3 extra days of Spring break due to COVID-19 as a safety precaution.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Today is my birthday party. A lot of people couldn’t come because they were social-distancing, but we still had fun with close friends and family that were visiting.
Monday March 16 ,2020
Day 1 of social distancing for our family. Mom and Dad told us that we are not going anywhere for spring break. We originally planned on going to Japan and Thailand. That's where COVID-19 was, so we changed our travel plans to Hawaii. We ended up cancelling as a safety precaution.
Then we found out that no one could travel from England into the United States due to COVID-19. My aunt, uncle and cousin were going to fly out from London over Easter for two weeks to visit. My Grand Dad was going to fly out from California for ten days. They had to cancel their trip.
Friday March 20, 2020
My Dad had to tell his managers they don’t have jobs for 2 to 3 months. It is called furlough which is a temporary lay off. It was one of the hardest things he’s had to do. We are very lucky my Dad still has his job.
Monday March 23, 2020
My Mom started a realistic homeschooling schedule.
Tuesday March 24 ,2020
The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo officially postponed until summer 2021. This has not happened since the Berlin Summer Olympics in 1916 due to the outbreak of World War 1.
Thursday March 26, 2020
The stay at home order was issued starting today through April 17, 2020.
April 1, 2020
Today Dad drove to Boulder to pick up my god sister who goes to CU to bring her to our home to keep her safe. She can’t fly home to Australia as they quarantine all passengers at a hotel in Sydney for two weeks and her parents did not feel comfortable having her go through that. She will be staying with us until it is safe for her to go back to university or fly home to Australia.
I got to speak to my teachers today about online learning. It was great to hear the plan and also so nice to talk to them. I miss them!
The Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis announced that schools are ordered to stay closed at least until April 30. We still have not heard an official date from the school district when we will be able to go back to school.
April 2, 2020
Today we went on a field trip to check out the free lunches the Roaring Fork School District is handing out off the school bus. It was fun to actually see people for a change.
April 3, 2020
My Mom and Dad told me that my archaeology trip to Crow Canyon in June was cancelled due to COVID-19. I was really looking forward to this trip with my teacher and friends.
April 6, 2020
The Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis announced that the stay at home order is now through April 26, 2020.
April 9, 2020
I had my first online Crew meeting with my class today. It was great to see and talk to my teacher and classmates.
April 11, 2020
This morning we woke up to this alert.
April 13, 2020
We had an online Crew with our class today. We got to see our teacher and classmates and participate which was a lot of fun.
April 14, 2020
We had class online office hours today. We got to do a show and tell. I showed my drumstick I received from the drummer Chris Culos from the O.A.R concert I went to in February. It was great to see what other kids brought and ask questions.
April 20, 2020
Governor Jared Polis announced that Eagle County will be the first county in Colorado to open back up.
April 21, 2020
Our school district announced that school will remain closed for the rest of the school year. Online learning will continue through June 4, 2020. I miss going to school and seeing my teachers and classmates.
April 23, 2020
I came across this information today and found it interesting. The Spanish Flu killed many people with a lower population, but the numbers are still rising for COVID-19 with a higher population. It’s going to be interesting to see the final numbers and compare.
April 25, 2020
We drove to Boulder today to take my god sister back to CU for finals the next 2 weeks. We picked up sandwiches and had lunch by a creek before dropping her off. She is going to finish her finals then fly back to Australia to be with her family. We got to stay in a hotel and drive back the next morning. It was weird after dropping her off to just hang out at the hotel. We made it fun and ordered pizza, watched a movie, with popcorn and ice cream. They only had four occupied rooms at the hotel.
April 26, 2020
The stay at home order expired today. Colorado is now moving to “Safer at Home”.
April 28, 2020
RFVSC announced that they are officially cancelling spring/summer soccer. Soccer is my favorite sport, so this is a big disappointment for me.
May 1, 2020
Today I biked to school with my Dad to turn in my book club book and collect the new one. It was weird to see everyone in masks and gloves and staying 6 feet apart.
The Town of Basalt officially announced that if you are out in public you need to be wearing a mask.
May 9, 2020
Today, I was supposed to have my confirmation. I had family members that were going to fly out for it. We are waiting to see what the new date will be for it. I may have to wait until next spring.
My family bought tickets for Stephen Kellogg’s Virtual Concert. Originally, we thought we could not go to Boulder, CO for it because of my confirmation. Then, the musician decided to go ahead with the tour and go Virtual. We saw Stephen Kellogg The (Virtual) Experience Tour. It was so much fun listening to him sing.
May 17, 2020
My creative project for my enrichment class was in the newspaper today.
I love that article!!!! So cool to see this through a child’s perspective.