Stone Soup author Aiwen Desai, 12, talks about her favourite authors and her writing technique, including character development, along with some helpful advice on getting published. Aiwen had a poem, “Nature’s Plea” (July/August 2014) and a story, “A Secret Freedom” (September/October 2014) published in Stone Soup.
Here’s a list of the questions she answers in this video.
0:20 — How did you begin creative writing?
0:33 — How did you discover Stone Soup?
0:45 — What was your reaction to getting published in Stone Soup?
0:55 — Who are your favorite authors?
1:18 — What are your favorite things to write about?
1:27 — Describe some of your writing techniques
1:47 — How do you create your characters?
2:06 — Describe your writing process.
2:39 — What advice would you give to others who want to get published in Stone Soup?
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