2020 was a disastrous year, but many good things came out of it. There’s a quote that says, “Sometimes you have to put up with the rain to get to the rainbow.” But we didn’t only put up with the rain, we fought through it. There was a terrible virus, a president who divided us, and heroes who died fighting. This is our story.
In March, a terrible virus called Coronavirus, or just COVID-19, came from China to the US, and we all had to go down into lockdown. We had to sanitize almost everything, bleach our groceries, wear masks when we went out, and stay six feet apart. Now we don’t have to sanitize everything, or bleach our groceries, but we still have to wear masks and stay six feet apart. We also have a vaccine, that’s coming out soon! We’re slowly getting through this. Together.
For the past four years, we’ve had a president that divided our nation. But we are a nation who stands united, we are the United States. In the presidential election, it was a very close call. But in the end, Joe Biden won. President Trump claimed it was a fraud, and demanded a recount. Some states did recount, and he got a few more votes, but Biden still won.
This was an amazing story! Very moving, informative, and true.