The blog is primarily written by the young writers and artists of Stone Soup. If you are aged 13 or younger and have something to say on any topic—nature, science, cookery, sport, sewing, crafts, music, photograph, travel—we would love to hear your voice. We are also always happy to hear from book reviewers. Please go to our Submittable site for more details on how to become a young blogger. We accept individual posts, and are also always looking for writers to contribute on a regular basis—once a week or once a month.
Posts by Young Writers
Posts by Stone Soup
These last two categories are blog posts are written by Stone Soup staff and guest bloggers who are teachers and educators, parents, writers, former Stone Soup readers and contributors, and others with something to say about children’s creativity. If you would like to blog about children’s writing, art, music composition—anything creative—then please send us an outline of your idea and a sample of your writing via the Submit button.