

Mad World 2020, a poem inspired by a song by Emma Hoff, 8

Emma Hoff, 8Bronx, NY Mad World 2020 Emma Hoff, 8 Locked In your own head, In fear That the grass will Turn different The minute You open the Door. That Flickering lights And a cloak Will greet you And everything Will attack your mind At once When you see What’s happening To other people. ‘Children […]

Coronavirus poem by Alisa Zou, 12

Alisa Zou, 12Concord, MA Coronavirus poem Alisa Zou, 12 Out there, Corona is probably having fun. But, We are struggling. Corona, Please stop attacking us. Look, I know what you are doing (For a virus), But This is a very Serious problem That I want you to Understand. Listen, We are Dying. Please go away. […]

Hundreds at Least

I can’t breathe Cried the Black man on the street. A mantra of pain that we cannot seem to defeat. His Their suffering and his Their cries will not go underheard By the listeners who attempt to make the deaf hear this burden. It is an endless cycle of fighting for rights that the white […]