
Highlights from StoneSoup.com

Highlights from Stonesoup.com

From the Stone Soup Flash Contests Weekly Creativity #147 | Flash Contest #30: Visit the same place—precisely the same location—multiple times a day, or at the same time every day for a week. Document what you see through photography, other art forms, or writing. An excerpt from “Observing My Backyard” Rishan Chakraborty, 11 Portland, OR […]

Highlights from Stonesoup.com

From the Flash Contests Weekly Creativity #142 | Flash Contest #29, March 2021 Write a story set somewhere you’ve never been. It could be set in outer space, Antarctica, or even an alternate reality! An excerpt from Frank in the Galaxy Kimberley Hu, 8 Lake Oswego, OR Chapter 1: Frank Got in Trouble Frank was […]

Highlights from Stonesoup.com

From Stone Soup Writing Workshop #17: Writing about Music The Writing Challenge Use any musical element—different instruments, arrangements, styles, and settings—to write about music. It could be about how music makes someone feel, or the story of someone involved in music, or anything else you think up. An excerpt from “My Brother Was the Bayou” […]

Highlights from Stonesoup.com

From the Stone Soup Blog An excerpt from “A Day in the Life of a Sixth Grader” Lauren Minyoung Yoon, 11 Northbrook, IL 7:15 a.m. – When my alarm goes off, I always wonder if I could just throw it on the ground, then go back to sleep. Well, I can’t do that, actually, because […]

Highlights from Stonesoup.com

From Stone Soup Writing Workshop #29: Rhythm, Phrasing, and Cadence The Writing Challenge Choose one of these three approaches to your piece of writing: Short first sentence. Start in the middle with long-ranging sentences that may be held together with the glue of dashes. Don’t be overly concerned with perfect grammar on this first pass. […]

Highlights from StoneSoup.com

From the Stone Soup Blog Loneliness Salma Hadi-St. John, 11 Oak Park, IL My friends are all gone My life has disappeared Into a new world of loneliness It is just my family and I Loneliness is like a tree in the desert The only cat in town A star stuck in space A speck […]

Highlights from StoneSoup.com

FROM STONE SOUP WRITING WORKSHOP #28, ON WORD CHOICE 30-Minute Writing Challenge: Write a short story in five minutes; then spend the rest of the time cutting it down to its essentials to make a six-word story. The Near-Doom Incident Peri Gordon, 11 Sherman Oaks, CA Original We were hiking. I didn’t want to stroll. […]