Mourning dove High in the swing tree Sings poetry Just like mine Reminding me Of the singing bird Inside me And melting my heart Guthrie Harris, 10Kalamazoo, Michigan
A mound of fur, tongues, tails, clumsy paws, and deep brown eyes, laughing with the ecstasy of play The heap seems its own creature, without distinction between separate bodies Teeth nip, paws bat, tongues kiss, tails flash from side to side, a blur of pure happiness With playful growls and tackles and pounces, with not one care or worry, the play of puppies is beautiful to behold Katie Thomas, 12Standish, Maine
The little brown dog huddled up against me breathes deeply knowing he is safe. Crickets chirp outside an owl hoots frogs croak but he sleeps through this snoring on my lap. His body is so warm with each slow breath he heaves his body pushes against mine and he knows that I am still with him. But as my body stays with the dog reassuring him that all is well, my thoughts travel and I think back to our first day together. He barked at every neighbor jumped on the table ate all our good food chewed up the couch. No one understood why we kept him. But I do now. His paws are tucked in his snores are little whistles he is deep in sleep. He is completely at ease peaceful because he knows I am with him holding him keeping him safe and warm. Where would this little brown dog be without me? And where would I be without him? He stirs sleepily and I hug him close his head drops down resting in my lap. And our breathing is now synchronized. Like the chirping of the crickets Emina S. Sonnad, 12Snohomish, Washington