Covid Memories
Nishka Budalakoti, 10
I’ve been as confused
As a dog who chased
It’s tail and caught it
I’ve been as angry
As a crocodile
Who just couldn’t catch
A meek little mouse
I’ve been as nervous
As a small chipmunk
In a group of bulls
And yet I’ve been as
Patient as a spider
Waiting on its web
And I’ve stood as tall
As a giraffe in
The African heat
And yet I’ve been kind
Even though I feel
Like a cat who has
Been woken from her nap
When it is morning
And yes, things have gone
Wrong, yes, things have
Changed, but still, but still,
I am still the same
Because even though
We might forget the
Normal times when we’re
Old, we will never
Forget the different
Times, never, ever ever.
What doesn’t kill you
Makes you stronger, but
Also makes the best
Memories of all.
The featured image for this piece was taken by BlueJay and accompanied her poem "Wild."
Abhishek Bhushan Sharma says
Urvi kaushik says
Dr. Pramod Kumar says
Good efforts
Very well performed and written so ever best