
short story

Fishy Exterminates the Coronavirus, a short story by Mina Iqlas, 10

Mina Iqlas, 10Cupertino, CA Fishy Exterminates the Coronavirus Mina Iqlas, 10 It was May 1, 2020. Fishy Crabb the red lobster was having a normal day. He turned on the news.  There was a news anchor named Mr. Lobbie on cable, who was always so dramatic. “The new virus called COVID-19 is spreading around the world!” he yelled. “Many countries are starting a lockdown, so stay safe and always–” Fishy turned off the T.V. “This Coronavirus is not so serious as the Black Death! As far as I can see the COVID will stay in China.” He opened the front door just in time to see Doopy the mailman throw him the newspaper. He sat on his front porch and looked at the cover story. “COVID 19 GOES VIRAL” it said. Fishy groaned and turned to the sports section. After reading that he flipped to the back to see if there were any comics. Instead of seeing comics, there was a headline that read, “First Patient of Corona in LobbstreTown–Mishy Crabb!!” Fishy gasped. His favorite Cousin!? With the Corona? He decided he could not just leave this virus alone! He jumped up and hopped up in his swim mobile. He was going to find a vaccine for that hateful virus. After researching at the Zippy-Crustacean Hospital, he found out that the coronavirus is common in certain species of animals, such as cattle and camels. Although the transmission of the  coronavirus from animals to humans is rare, this new strain likely came from bats, though one study suggests pangolins may be the origin. “Bats and Pangolins, Huh?” he thought. “Well, the solution is simple.” A week later, Fishy was all over the news. Mr. Lobbie said to him,“Tell us, how did you find the cure for the COVID-19? “Well, I just knew the cause of the Corona was pangolins, and the opposite of a pangolin–is an anteater! So I hunted an anteater in Bolivia, and took a piece of it–only about a gram. I gave it my cousin Mishy, who had the COVID-19. A day later she was cured!” VS Our Hero saved so many people–he found the perfect vaccine!  

Snow White Has COVID-19, a story by Simran Adnani, 6

Simran Adnani, 6Troy, MI Snow White Has COVID-19 Simran Adnani, 6 The Queen sat by her window. Pricking her finger on a needle, she wished for a child. She had a beautiful daughter called Snow White. When Snow White was 6 years old, the Queen died, and the King married a cruel stepmother. Stepmother made a magic mirror and asked it,” Who is the fairest of all?” Mirror said, “Snow White is the fairest of all. Queen you look very fair normally but today you look rather pale, what is the matter?” The Queen got a nasal swab and her COVID test came back positive. She made a COVID poisoned apple by biting it that she thought she would use later for hurting Snow White. Then she took Remdesavir (the drug that treats COVID) which completely cured the Queen. But the Queen did not believe in social distancing and called the Huntsman. She ordered him to take Snow White to the jungle and kill her. But the Huntsman was kind and let Snow White go. Snow White was tired walking in the forest. She decided to rest in the house of the seven dwarfs. They were called Cheeky, Squeezy, Fishy, Curious, Puffy, Lazy and Knowledgy . Snow White ate from Cheeky’s cereal bowl and slept off. When the dwarfs returned, they all had masks on their faces. Snow White was alarmed to see them and she started to run away. Knowledgy stopped her and informed her that masks were only to protect them from COVID. She didn’t understand the need for masks. Next day the dwarfs left for work and warned Snow White of the wicked stepmother. Snow White didn’t listen and opened the door to the evil step mother. The queen who was a COVID survivor and was wearing a mask, offered Snow White an apple that she had previously poisoned. Snow White took a bite and fell unconscious. The dwarfs returned and were very sad. Knowledgy checked her heart and noticed that it wasn’t beating. “The evil stepmother gave her COVID,” said Curious. Then they buried her in the cemetery as it would be dangerous to put her in a glass coffin. The Prince heard about Snow White’s death and was very sad. However, he did not kiss her for fear of getting sick.

The Kite, A Story Written During the Coronavirus, by Mark Torpoco, 11

The Kite Mark Torpoco, 11 Hi, I am a purple kite named Samuel. I was born on a small island called Mallorca, in Spain. I was born in a small shop, near the beach, filled with snorkel gear. Lots of people on vacation came in and out of the shop, but I never got sold. The people bought all the snorkel gear, but not me. I was made by a famous kite designer, but at the time nobody knew who he was. I have a red bull on me with shining eyes. Then, one day, a boy came into the store. He was small, skinny and he had brown hair. He looked at the snorkel gear and said, “No.” Then, he looked at me and said, “Mommy, I want this one.” He explained to her that he wanted me because some day when he grew up, he was going to be a famous bullfighter. His mom looked annoyed, but said it was fine. The boy jumped up and grabbed me, went to go pay, and hugged me on the way out. I was very happy. He took me home. The house was very big and had three stories. The boy’s room was on the top floor, and had a window looking at the ocean. His room had paintings of bulls hanging on the walls. He put me on a shelf with a bull plushy. On the weekend, he took me to the beach for my first time. When we got to the beach, the boy took me out of the car. I was scared because I didn’t know what was happening. He tossed me into the air, and I started to fly in the wind. It felt at first like I was going to die, but then it got fun. It felt free. I started to go in circles like a dancing bull.  I learned lots of tricks that day, dancing with my boy who was like a matador with his cape. We played all day until the sun set. When I got down, the boy hugged me. I would fly with my boy each weekend at the beach. It felt super amazing every time. We would always have fun. As the years passed, I grew to love the boy. When I first met him, the boy was so small. But he grew older with me. But even though I wasn’t as clean and new as I started, he still loved me. But one day, the boy let go of me when he got distracted. A bee landed on his leg and stung him. He let go of my string. I flew away apprehensively. I felt sad. As I flew higher, I saw the vast ocean and its waves crashing down. I heard the seagulls and the waves. Then, I fell on the sand. I looked for the boy frantically, but I could not find him. The beach looked so different. It had less people on it. The night came, and I felt sad and alone. I held onto the sand trying not to fly away again. The morning came. A man was walking on the beach. He was tall, bald, and was wearing a purple rain coat. He picked me up carefully and looked at me. He said, “Was this made by Reyes de la Vega?” He was just amazed. He took me to a museum. The museum was big and had a lot of paintings in it. I was put in the center of a room surrounded by glass. There were a lot of people who looked at me. They had rectangular things with flashing lights which they held up and pointed at me. I felt all locked up. I wished to be with the boy again. I was all sad and alone being locked up. I am sure the boy was sad too. One day I saw the boy at the museum. He looked different. He looked taller, and had a lot of other taller people with him. They had an older woman, who was leading them, telling them about me. Even though he looked different, I knew it was him. He looked at me and had a tear in his eye, then he walked away.