

Forest Fire, a poem by Prisha Aswal, 8

FOREST FIRE  Sparks Fly  Crackling Sound Trees Down On fire Smoke rises up to the Sky Wolves Howl Bears Flee Ash Fills up the Ground Elk Run for their Lives. Birds and Butterflies try To Escape to Sky Crickets, Worms and Ants Fry Thunder Strikes,  The Wind Blows, Making it Worse Animals Die Trees Burn, […]

Bring on the Gratitude: A Review of “Be Thankful”

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I reviewed a poem about gratitude, called “Be Thankful” by an unknown poet. To me, gratitude means being thankful for what you have instead of thinking about what you don’t have. It is important to feel empathy for individuals who have less than you do and to appreciate all that […]

Lost Land

Unseen, seen, unseen. Blink and it will disappear. In cover it waits for no one knows what. Lost in the mid-Pacific, traps protect the jewel, never to be found. Only the past may reveal Secrets of the lost.

What My America Looks Like, a poem by Eboni, 13

Eboni Maxwell, 13 (Boston, MA) What My America Looks Like Eboni Maxwell, 13 My America looks like chaos, a burning flame that cannot be put out and continues to grow. My America is dull and bland; I wake up everyday and ask myself ¨Why are most people cruel and mean, racist and unapologetic… What made […]